Toms drum page
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Tom Drumer
This is my drum page im so lucky i get a page all about me ha ha ha well actully there wasn't enough room for me on the other page but it doesn't matter that im a reject does it.


Tom being a hardcore fast food rocker


  My drums I have a pulse purcussion drum kit and i have had it for 3 years, since then i have got read of the cymbal that came with it (its on my wall)and i added a zildjian ZXT 18" crash i also have a 10" medium splash and an LP cowbell.

  My kit Since I have had my drums so long I have kitted them out with remo pinstripe skins and remo 'O' rings. On my snare i have an evans under skin and an evans damping ring. My sticks are 5a Carbostcik medium classic tip.