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This is a page for our fans profiles links and pics
Here they are

Tom and Jack
our mates, tom(mustard) is in Mantis Man and Jack is in this photo-amazin new technology!so if your hip and cool then you know these two and probably not us...or them! They are our biggest, and smallest fans, well done to them! O and they're very special too!
Dan "cant eat anything" Hall
Dan's our mate and probably our biggest fan!lol! thanks dan, he is ill and cant eat sugarry things so be nice and dont be mean. We hope he will support us in our bid to win Battle of the Banmds and wish himthe best wit his nu bass (wen he gets it). An old pic of him has been added for the moment a more resent one will be added soon.

the biggest ass in the entire world-beating all rudes and druggies etc, heres hoping he'll get hit by a car!

nakie boy a.k.a mike gatward
this is nakie boy he likes to be nakied alot and very much likes flump.