About Lunatic High
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LuNaTiC HiGh

Lunatic high formed in 2002 since then we have got better.
In 2003 we had the arival of our new drummer tom and have evolved into hardcore fast food rockers.
we have done one battle of the bands so far (go to the new page to see how we did). we recorded a 7 track demo at greensward college in november '03 and we spent about 4 days recording a demo with Stu and Stu-the very cool guys and we owe them big i tell you B-I-G!

In the near future (and i state) WE WILL BE FAMOUS HA HA HA HA HA

The Band

Tom (Drums)

I am 15 years old and i am the drummer for lunatic high and i have been for the last year. I know all the band very well as i have been hanging out with them for ages. I have known benji for along while as i have been skating with him for 5-6 Years.

love ya maddi xx


Tom strike

Mark (Bass & vocals)

hey i'm the second longest running member of the band besides dan. I got my nickname (krell) from doug, he's gr8!-please dnt call me it anymore just call me Mark. M-A-R-K. bin playin bass for about 3 years now and i acceptable but i'm not all that great to b honest.
yay, dont you just love my brutal honesty!
i've known these guys (the band) since we was this high *demonstrates very littleness* and so they like my brothers even if i do hate them sumtimes!

gd bye, be good, and kids be safe-one day we will be famous and you will thank us!

Mark xxx

Dan (guitar and vocals)
i am 16 years old i started lunatic high with my mate neb who recently left but we have survived many Possibilities for Failure and are now going strong so be prepared to see lunatic high rocking your hi-fi's in the near future.



Benji (guitar and vocals( very bad ones tho and not very offten)

I dont have much to say, but since i have to say something i shall say this one thing, now listen care fully fore i shall say this only once, are u ready, sure, ok here i go.....................hello.
did u get that, i hope u did.

yep thats bout it
remember those words coz some day it just might save ur life


Thats what we all about, ROCK!


pie and sex are the 2 most important things ion the world so make sure u get plenty during your life-make sure its legal though....the pie that is